Vaccines | 新冠疫苗专刊投稿开启,欢迎各位专家同仁踊跃投稿
王宾 博士
Vaccines新冠疫苗专刊 特邀编委
01Message from the Guest Editor
Dear Colleagues,
Although several vaccines have been approved for market fight against the COVID-19, we still face the breakthrough established host immunity or even serological mutations from its variants.
Aim: This special issuewill provide a platform for discussing potential novel strategies for better vaccine designs, research works, and experimental results against the COVID-19.
Novel designs for COVID-19 vaccine, including broadening spectrum, sarbecovirus,multivalent, multi- or mosaic-antigens;
Multiple vaccine technological platforms;
Correlation of protection and immune response.
Deadline for manuscript submissions:
29 April 2023
Dr. Bin Wang,Guest Editor
Shanghai MedicalCollege, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China
02Message from the Editor-in-Chief
Vaccines (ISSN 2076-393X) has had a 6-yearhistory of publishing peer-reviewed state of the artresearch that advances the knowledge of immunology inhuman disease protection. Immunotherapeutics, prophylactic vaccines, immunomodulators, adjuvants and the global differences in regulatory affairs are some of thehighlights of the research published that have shaped global health. Our open access policy allows all researchers and interested parties to immediately scrutinize the rigorous evidence our publications have to offer. We are proud topresent the work and perspectives of many to contributeto future decisions concerning human health.
Prof. Dr. Ralph A. Tripp Editor in Chief
Department of Infectious Diseases, College of Veterinary Medicine,University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602-7387, USA
03Author Benefits
Open Access:— free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, SCIE(Web of Science), PubMed, PMC, Embase, CAPlus / SciFinder, and many otherdatabases.
Journal Rank:JCR - Q2 (Immunology)
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