需要了解关于“af高仿女装”的问题请加下面奢侈大牌厂家微信咨询,他是专注各种奢侈大牌服装|潮牌潮服的厂家,商家介绍:本厂现货供应顶级家拿大鹅 北面 蒙口 NB NLB 艾米 剪刀 迪桑特等羽绒服。主营各种大牌男女服饰批发|招代理|以及终端零售。
AF女装指的是Abercrombie Fitch,它是一个在全球非常知名的服装品牌,AF女装的风格是休闲、舒适、随性,非常适合年轻人穿着。AF女装的价格区间从几十美元到几百美元不等,具体价格会根据不同款式、不同面料、不同尺码等因素而有所差异。AF女装的质量相对可靠,但也需要根据个人需求和喜好进行选择。 Abercrombie & Fitch (A&F) was founded in 1892 in Cincinnati, OH by David T. Abercrombie and Ezra Fitch as a sportswear store with a focus on outdoor activities. In its early days, the company marketed its products towards an upper middle class clientele, offering equipment and clothing for various sports such as golf, tennis, and polo. In the 1960s and 1970s, the company's popularity increased as it expanded its product line and marketing strategies to target a younger audience. A&F's products were sold in department stores and specialty stores, and the company's clothing was becoming increasingly popular with college students and young adults. In the 1990s, A&F went through a series of leadership changes and restructurings, but continued to maintain its position as a leading retailer of casual clothing and sportswear. The company's products continued to be popular among young people, and A&F's marketing campaigns often featured young, attractive models engaging in outdoor activities. In the early 2000s, A&F started to focus more on its signature sexualized image and marketing campaigns, which often included scantily-clothed models and sexual innuendos. This caused controversy in some circles, as some customers and advocates criticized the company for its use of性感 (sexually alluring) imagery and marketing campaigns targeting minors. In 2004, A&F was acquired by The Limited, a women's clothing retailer based in Columbus, OH. The Limited was acquired by private equity firm Sycamore Partners in 2010, who sold The Limited's other divisions but retained A&F. In 2013, A&F's sales began to decline as the company's target audience of teenagers and young adults shifted their shopping preferences towards fast-fashion retailers such as H&M and Zara. A&F's sales continued to decline in the following years, and the company closed stores and reduced its marketing spending to counteract the losses. In 2014, A&F was acquired by clothing retailer and licensor Authentic Brands Group (ABG) for $2.4 billion. ABG has since been working to revive the A&F brand by repositioning its image and marketing strategy while also expanding its product line to include new categories such as activewear and streetwear-inspired clothing. ABG has also been working to license the A&F brand for fragrances, footwear, and other accessories. Today, A&F continues to be a popular brand among college students and young adults, with stores located worldwide. The company's products are sold in department stores such as Macy's and Nordstrom, as well as on its own website and mobile app.
北面大鹅工厂:莆田批发市场A区56档,商家介绍:本厂现货供应顶级家拿大鹅 北面 蒙口 NB NLB 艾米 剪刀 迪桑特等羽绒服。主打:北面大鹅蒙口男女冲锋衣|外套|羽绒服等,自家工厂直接供货,价格低质量好,每年秋冬季合作微商代理上万家,绝对是您首选厂家,请联系我微信咨询,提供微商相册看款与传图。支持实体批发拿货|微商代理一件代发|以及零售。